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Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

Did You Know How to test a Healthy Heart?

To know the work of the heart is still good or not, researchers have tips easily is enough to touch the tip of your toes. If your body is still flexible enough to reach your toes, it means that your heart is still quite healthy.

In the journal Heart and Circulatory Physiology noted that by testing one element of the body (toe), one can know his heart was still healthy or not, and even in the midst of a holiday though.

It is easy, simply by sitting on the floor with your legs straightened forward and toes pointing upward. After that try to reach out and touch the tip of your toes with the hands. If you are sufficiently flexible to touch your toes is the heart was still healthy and flexible as well.

In his study, researchers from the University of North Texas and several Japanese researchers recruited 526 participants between the ages of 20 to 83 years. Participants then take the test the flexibility of the body while blood pressure was measured, and the activity of the heart arteries.

The result, researchers found no correlation between body flexible with arteries that are not flexible, especially in participants above the age of 40 years.

Those who failed the test failed to achieve flexibility of body and toes turned out to have stiff blood vessels, and it means the ability of the heart becomes less good, efficient and increased risk of heart disease.

Dr Yamamoto said the Japanese researchers, although the theory of the relationship between back and leg muscles with a muscle near the heart still vague, but with this study is quite helpful.

Muscle stiffness, back, legs and heart vessels that are interconnected is caused kolagennya the same composition.

"If you can touch your toes while sitting straight, you mean the heart is still good enough. But if not, maybe you need to go to a cardiologist," said Dr Yamamoto, a Japanese researcher, as quoted from the New York Times.

But not forever Yamamoto mention stiff muscles is a sign of heart disease, only the heart may be less fit and healthy than they should.

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