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Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Why Leaning Tower of Pisa?

There are seven objects or built a disenaraikan as miraculous in the world namely the Great Wall of China which has more gates, and the length of 24.000 kilometers 5.000; 2,500,000 Pyramid is fostered by large stone blocks which are arranged neatly; Taj Mahal palaces that fostered by the Maharaja of India, Shah Jahan for his wife Mumtaz; Borobudur Temple which is located in Java, Angkor Watt in the frangipani, Parks Depending 3.000 Babylon who coached more years ago and the Leaning Tower of Pisa is located in Italy.

Any target that has the privilege and the magic of its own. Although it has been built and there was hundreds of thousands of years but still stands strong so that to this day. Modern technology instead of the present era are still not able to produce such a way that target. Problems, former foster keupayaan public buildings and monuments are still longer a question mark that has not been answered fully.

Leaning tower of Pisa for instance, has built it during the year 1154. Only three levels instead of eight levels of the tower, which can be prepared before they become skewed due to the damp clay that can not support the entire building. Towers that have a height of 56 meters was found to be increasingly placed on one side and this situation has spawned a hesitancy to this building bahawa arkitek tersembam to the ground in a little more time. However, after nearly a year passed, the Tower of Pisa is still standing firmly and various attempts have been made to ensure that this target continues to be in its original position. As another coachee, coaching the Tower of Pisa took 200 years to be prepared. Fostering the tower several times kerana tergendala the silt and soil conditions kewangan problem.

They are building this tower jurutera tasteless hesitate to continue the work of coaching kerana worry this building would fall down before it can be prepared. Even if it berasas vacillation but never became a reality, then this makes the tower continues to be veiled in mystery about a slanting position it. Arkitek which is responsible for building the tower was Bonanno Pisano. He only had time to prepare a simple three-level before removing themselves. There have been various attempts expressed Reply to explain her loss.

There reviewer states bahawa Pisano stopped kerana can see the disaster that would hit the tower. No less is also the opinion of the tower was purposely dicondongkan bahawa by Pisano to show his prowess as an expert arkitek famous in his day.

Almost 90 years had left the building so that a arkitek named Giovanni of Simone connect built it. As Pisano, arkitek was only able to prepare a three-level starts than the level five, six and seven. The tower can only be fully prepared 80 years later with eight levels of the domed building. In the dome was placed some fruit loceng that each of them weighing one and a half tan. Loceng it will be played to celebrate the victory and marks the entry into force of death. Now it no longer sounded loceng to sidestep any vibration which may crack and meranapkan tower. To spare him than the worship of the earth, scientists have been binding on the tower with a metal cable. Cable's role as a bulwark to the leaning Tower of Pisa who was found one inch on each year.

Why is the Tower of Pisa may be biased, while the buildings in the surrounding region are in fair condition. Studies made at the site found soil womb was built of sand and clay are not stable and the womb quantity of water. Tread is a principle of construction of the tower was also an old, old lagoons experiencing impression tidal water. In fact the impression it was still another tidal force that now cause mendapan valid and resulted in the tower continued to lean to the left. Although guided by the principle of the Tower of Pisa and the concrete floors as thick as 13 feet but still can not accommodate heavy loads and tower weighing 14.500 tan. Any form of movement that prevail in the underground already certainly will cause the tower collapsed. Even more amazing is that an earthquake in 1846 do not apply any structure menjejaskan Tower of Pisa.

In fact the tower has a fairly good resistance power. If not, this tower had long since fallen to worship the earth. To sidestep any possibility rather than apply it prohibited motorized vehicles approached the tower. At the same time, various efforts were undertaken to maintain the lighthouse that marks a proud heritage of western civilization. In addition to traction millions of travelers, this building has high historic value. Tower of Pisa has the aesthetic value of art and amazing.

Sesiapa the opportunity to climb the 294 steps leading to the summit will see an interesting scene from the top of the building. The tower was also once used by Galileo Galilei for his science demonstrations. Trials conducted in 1589 found bahawa every object has a different weight imposed a similar speed.

Nothing anyone who dares predict when did this tower will fall. But the crowd who believe bahawa this target will die someday. This belief to the state berasaskan increasingly skewed compared to the initial ranking built it. Size made during the first show was leaning tower of 0:04 inches a year. But now increased to 0:06 kecondongannya inches a year. Although the principle of the building footprint by entering 1993 have been diperkuatkan tan concrete but still can not seem to hinder the movement of the building. So also with steps to channel rain water out than the bottom portion is still no attempt to sidestep rather than continue to sink. In 1573, efforts to strengthen the footprint principle has been carried out by attaching pieces of marble, but unfortunately it has marble sink together the basic building.

The biggest Cabaran faced by this tower is not caused by a problem kecondongannya hakisan, the movement of soil or human behavior. In the Second World War, a party than the level of the building was excessive kerana rosak bedilan cannonball. However, this still fails bedilan cannon demolish the old building one over it. The biggest enemy to the tower, is the traction graviti which gradually causes intense that the building was 14 inches instead of standing erect. Do with all Modern equipment and the progress of science, man can save one rather than a magic object in the world? No one else dared give jawapannya. Probably the same destiny and determine the existing tower can be looked at by future generations or even just a simple stay in the folds of history.

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