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Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Ibn Al-Baitar Botanical Specialists Superior Period 16th

Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn al-Baitar Dhiya al-Din al-Malaqi was one of the scientists of Muslim Spain terulung. He is an expert botanist and pharmaceutical famous in the mid range.

More recognizable as Ibn al-Baitar, he was born in a town known Malaqa or Malaga in Spain in the late period of the 12th.

She studied botany than Abu al-Abbas an-Vegetable. The first case he does is collect the plants from all over Spain.

In 1219, he left Spain to carry out the work of gathering herbs menerusi odyssey on the northern portion of the African continent's coastal fringe. Odyssey was reached so that the continent of Asia Minor. He wandered the same way there is on land or sea is not known so today.

However among the places he stopped and lawati is Bugia, Qastantunia (Constantinople), Tunis, Tripoli, Barqa and Adalia.

After the year 1224, he was with al-Kamil perkhidmatan Gabenor kingdom of Egypt and inaugurated as the chairman of herb expert.

In 1227, al-Kamil has expanded its power so to Damascus when Ibn al-Baitar escorted there to which he contributed to him to collect plants in Syria.

Investigations on plants when it also extended to some other region, including Saudi Arabia and the Palestin.

In both countries, he visited the opportunity stesen investigation and gathering of plants contained in it. He died at Damascus on the year 1248.

Ibn Baitar major contribution is the Kitab al-Jami 'fi al-ad-Mufrada Adwiya which is a compilation of the greatest botanical herbs perubatan in Saudi Arabia.

Continued status as a leading botanist botanists among others so-period to 16. It's nothing to do with his full co-operation, especially at the beginning of systematic penglibatannya the botanical world.

Criticism it received when it does not discourage him, contrary to inject the spirit of him to contribute in the field of botany.

Ensiklopedianya's womb approximately 1.400 which settled some of the various cases concerning perubatan plants and vegetables. More amazing, free it exert approximately 200 types of herbs that were not recognized before.

The book was written the results of reference than 150 other writers are mostly from Saudi Arabia and the fact he also reap the earliest Greek scientists 20.

The encyclopedia has been translated into Latin and published in 1758. The second is the handiwork Kitab al-ad-Adwiya Mlughni fi al-Mufrada namely a free perubatan.

Several types of medicine has followed disenaraikan conformance with the values of therapeutic or scientific perubatan about how to care for or mengubati disease.

In addition, there are 20 chapters on the different plants that have a significant berpunca diseases of the head, ears, eyes and others.

He also picked reality than the famous Muslim surgeon expert, Abul Qasim az-Zahrawi to loaded into the chapter relating to surgery.

Besides using the Arabic language for naming plants encountered, Ibn Baitar also use Greek and Latin language for that purpose.

Donations Ibn Baitar in this field more to the character pemerhatian results, analysis and classification of vegetation. He is also seen as having the effect of the East and West in the science of botany and perubatan.

Since the book Jami 'translated into the languages concerned, other scientists busy first examine what it implies and so make it as reference material.

1. Terulung scientists Muslim Spain.
2. Born in Malaqa, Spain
3. Learning botany than Abu al-Abbas an-Vegetable
4. Herb expert sworn in as president of Egypt in the year 1224
5. Damsyek died in the year 1248

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